Ponceau S Solution (ab270042)
Product name
Ponceau S Solution -
General notes
Ponceau S Solution (ab270042) is a ready-to-use reversible stain which allows you to check the efficiency of electrophoretic transfer of SDS-denatured proteins to nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes. As little as 250 ng protein can be rapidly visualized with Ponceau S stain. Following staining, membranes can be de-stained with any buffer of pH >7 or by transfer of the membrane into blocking buffer (e.g. TBS/BSA).
This product is manufactured by Expedeon, an Abcam company. It was previously called Ponceau S Solution - 1L. Expedeon product code 5999-1L is the same as the 1000 mL size of this product.
Liquid -
Storage instructions
Shipped at Room Temperature. Store at Room Temperature. -
Storage buffer
Constituents: 0.1% Ponceau S, 0.96% Acetic acid -
Concentration information loading...
Runblue 4-12% Bis-Tris gel.
Lanes 1 to 8 Thermo Scientific Page Ruler Plus, lane 2 E.coli lysate, lane 3 Chicken lysate, lane 4 2 µg BSA, lane 5 1 µg BSA, lane 6 500 ng BSA, lane 7 250 ng BSA.
Following membrane transfer, users can directly incubate the blotting membrane (PVDF or nitrocellulose) in ~15ml of Ponceau S solution without the need for any wash steps. All transferred protein slowly becomes visible as red bands on the membrane, with highest intensity of staining reached within 5 minutes incubation with Ponceau S. Rinsing the membrane with water after Ponceau S staining can help reduce ‘background’ staining on the blotting membrane. The intensity of staining corresponds to the amount of protein transferred.