Plant tissue extraction kit (ab206999)
Product name
Plant tissue extraction kit -
Product overview
Abcam’s Plant tissue extraction kit (ab206999) enables effective extraction of soluble protein and metabolites from a range of dry and fresh plant tissues without the use of liquid nitrogen. The extracted proteins and metabolites can be used in applications such as western blotting, 2-D gel electrophoresis, immunoprecipitation assay, enzymatic activity assays, quantitation of metabolites etc.
The kit includes optimized Extraction Buffer to extract plant protein and metabolites, Protease Inhibitor Cocktail to prevent protein degradation and Homogenization Pestles and Tubes to homogenize the plant tissue. This easy-to-use and rapid procedure ensures consistent protein yield (~ 2-9 mg/mL, depending on the sample type).
Storage instructions
Store at -20°C. Please refer to protocols. -
Components 50 tests Homogenization Pestles 3 units Homogenization Tubes 3 x 1.5ml Plant Extraction Buffer 1 x 25ml Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (200X) 1 x 1ml
SDS-PAGE of plant tissue lysates prepared using ab206999: 25 μL of lysate from lettuce (20 μg, lane 2), green pepper (20 μg, lane 3), avocado (40 μg, lane 4) and orchid leaf (10 μg, lane 5) were loaded onto a 4-20% SDS-PAGE and, following electrophoresis, stained with Coomassie blue. Lane 1: Marker.
Measurement of Glucose-6-Phosphate in orchid leaf lysate (5 μg) using a G6P Fluorometric Assay Kit. The lysate was prepared using ab206999.
Measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in orchid leaf lysate (0.6 µg) using a G6PDH Activity Assay Kit.
Measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in orchid leaf lysate (0.6 μg) using a G6PDH Activity Assay Kit. The lysate was prepared using ab206999.