Cresyl Violet Stain Solution (0.1%) (ab246816)
Product name
Cresyl Violet Stain Solution (0.1%)
See all Nissl substance reagents -
General notes
Cresyl Violet Stain Solution (0.1%) ab246816 is designed for staining Nissl substance in neurons on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Nissil granules are purple, nuclei of neuroglia and endothelial cells are slightly bluer than Nissl granules.
Nissil Substance: Violet.
Neuroglia Nuclei: Violet to Dark Blue.
Control Tissue: Cerebral Cortex
1. Deparaffinize sections and hydrate to distilled water.
2. Incubate slide in Cresyl Violet Stain Solution (0.1%) for 2-5 minutes.
3. Rinse quickly in 1 change of distilled water.
4. Dehydrate quickly in absolute alcohol. (Alcohol may remove stain from tissue over time).
5. Clear in Xylene or Xylene substitute and mount in synthetic resin.
Other products for staining tissue sections
Find more kits and reagents in the special stains guide, or products for antigen retrieval, blocking, signal amplification, visualization, counterstaining, and mounting in the IHC kits and reagents guide.
Liquid -
Storage instructions
Shipped at 4°C. Store at +4°C. -
Storage buffer
pH: 2.90
Constituents: 0.2% Acetic acid, 0.1% Cresyl Violet Acetate -
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