StayRed/AP 30ml (Alcohol & Xylene Compatible) (ab103741)
Product name
StayRed/AP 30ml (Alcohol & Xylene Compatible) -
Assay type
Direct -
Product overview
StayRed/AP is a substrate chromogen system designed to be used for either IHC or ISH when using alkaline phosphate detection. StayRed/AP produces a brilliant dark red color. It is also insoluble in organic solvents so sections can be dehydrated in alcohol, cleared in xylene (or a xylene substitute) and permenently mounted.
Intended Use:
Substrate/chromogen in conjunction with alkaline phosphatase-based immunostaining or in situ hybridization systems.
Working Solution:
Aliquot 3mL of StayRed/AP Substrate Buffer in a mixing bottle. Add one drop (~20μL) of StayRed/AP Chromogen. Replace tip, mix, and allow solution to reach room temperature before using.
Note: The working chromogen-substrate solution should be prepared fresh and used within 20-30 minutes of preparation. Any solution not used during this period should be discarded.
- After SA-alkaline phosphatase incubation, wash tissue sections with wash buffer.
- Wipe slides, removing excess buffer. Add enough drops of StayRed/AP working solution to cover tissue sections.
- Incubate for 5-15 minutes at room temperature. For optimal results, observe reaction under microscope for signal development. Once desired signal to noise ratio is achieved, stop reaction by rinsing slides in wash buffer.
- Counterstain sections in hematoxylin.
- Dehydrate sections in alcohol, clear in xylene (or xylene-substitute), and mount in permanent mounting medium.
Storage instructions
Store at +4°C. Please refer to protocols. -
Components 30 ml Empty Mixing Dropping Bottle 1 unit StayRed/AP Chromogen 1 x 1ml StayRed/AP Substrate Buffer 1 x 30ml -
Research areas
Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) - StayRed/AP 30ml (Alcohol & Xylene Compatible) (ab103741)
Formalin fixed paraffin embedded Human tonsil stained with HMW Cytokeratin antibody (ab850) labeled with PermaRed/AP Chromogen (ab103741) produces a brilliant red color.
Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) - StayRed/AP 30ml (Alcohol & Xylene Compatible) (ab103741)StayRed staining by Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections).