LPS Extraction Kit (ab239718)
Product name
LPS Extraction Kit -
Species reactivity
Reacts with: Bacteria -
Product overview
LPS Extraction Kit (ab239718) uses bacterial membrane lysis buffer and protein digestion to yield micrograms of LPS from bacterial culture (approximately 1-4% of dry weight). This kit does not use chloroform or phenol like traditional methods, and it will yield pure LPS in less than 2 hours that can be easily characterized and quantified.
Storage instructions
Store at -20°C. Please refer to protocols. -
Components 10 tests LPS Isolation Buffer 1 x 100ml Proteinase K (20 mg/ml) 1 x 0.6ml -
The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria contains lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a low molecular weight carbohydrate with a molecular mass of 10-20 kDa. It is heterogeneous, and composed of O antigen (a repeating glycan polymer), core oligosaccharide (which links the O antigen to Lipid A - the third component, and non-carbohydrate components such as phosphate and amino acids groups. Lipid A, has multiple fatty acids which serve to anchor LPS into the bacterial membrane allowing the O antigen and core oligosaccharide to protrude and contributes to a major part of the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria. Also known as endotoxin, when consumed by animals, LPS induces a strong inflammatory response and/or sepsis.
LPS isolated from E.coli using this protocol was loaded onto a 4-20% gradient SDS gel, run for 55 min at 140 V, and then stained with Coomassie blue protein stain.
LPS is a 10-20 kDa carbohydrate that is associated with low molecular weight proteins and gives a characteristic ladder banding pattern in coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE gels. Lane 1 represents E.coli lysate prior to Proteinase K digestion. Lane 2 illustrates lysate after Proteinase K digestion of proteins. MM: molecular weight marker.