HRP Conjugate Stabilizer - LifeXtend (ab270548)
Product name
HRP Conjugate Stabilizer - LifeXtend -
General notes
HRP Conjugate Stabilizer - LifeXtend (ab270548) is a proprietary multi-component reagent system that protects antibody–HRP conjugates from instability, microbrial attack, and denaturation, thus ensuring the best possible performance in experiments performed at room temperature. The ability to store HRP conjugates at working dilutions eliminates waste and improves consistency from experiment to experiment.
This product is manufactured by Expedeon, an Abcam company. It was previously called LifeXtend HRP Conjugate Stabilizer. Expedeon product code 901-0005 is the same as the 50 mL size of this product.
In addition to its proprietary enzyme stabilizers, LifeXtend contains anti-microbial agents as well as blockers to enhance signal to background in immunoassay applications.
Dilute HRP-conjugate to working diution using ab270548.
Liquid -
Storage instructions
Shipped at Room Temperature. Store at +4°C. Do Not Freeze. Please see notes section. -
Storage buffer
pH: 7
Preservative: 0.03% Proclin 300
Constituents: 0.05% Calcium chloride, 0.49% BSA, 0.21% MOPS, 0.86% Sodium chloride, 0.01% Cytochrome c -
Concentration information loading...
Stability graph of an HRP-C7 conjugate stored at 1 µg/ml antibody concentration in ab270548 and LL Modifier at 4°C or room temperature.
Comparison of HRP Conjugate Stabilizer - LifeXtend (ab270548) with other well known brands of stabilizer.
HRP conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1mg/ml) was diluted 1/10,000 in each of four stabilizers and incubated for 12 days at 37°C. An undiluted control sample was incubated at 4°C for the same period and diluted 1/10,000 prior to ELISA testing. Conjugates were incubated on a rabbit IgG coated plate for one hour at room temperature, followed by washing and determination of HRP activity using ABTS substrate.