FirePlex® miRNA Assay V2 - Human Discovery Panels (ab217049)
Key features and details
- Sample type: Cit plasma, EDTA Plasma, Hep Plasma, Lithium Heparin Plasma, Plasma, Serum, Tissue Extracts
Product name
FirePlex® miRNA Assay V2 - Human Discovery Panels -
Sample type
Serum, Plasma, Tissue Extracts, Hep Plasma, EDTA Plasma, Cit plasma, Lithium Heparin Plasma -
Product overview
The FirePlex® Discovery Panels profile the expression of 405 miRNAs found in circulating biofluids. This product specifically focuses on human plasma and serum-specific miRNAs. These miRNAs have been selected based on a detailed study of data in peer-reviewed journals and are differentially regulated in whole blood, plasma, serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated exosomes.
NOTE: FirePlex miRNA panels require the purchase of a Run Buffer. Use our FirePlex Cytometer Setup Kit V2 (ab245835) to select the most appropriate Run Buffer for your flow cytometer.
Our multiplex assays use FirePlex® particle technology to profile 405 miRNAs in each sample. With the same sensitivity as PCR, they can be used either directly with crude serum or plasma with no need for RNA purification and as little as 100 µL of sample; or with less than 7 ng of purified RNA.
Find a full list of validated sample types, and learn more about the performance and requirements of these assays, here.
The 12 test selling size provides the required volume of reagents for analyzing 12 independent biological samples, as well as positive and negative controls.
The 48 test selling size provides the required volume of reagents for analyzing 48 independent biological samples, as well as positive and negative controls.
In addition to the FirePlex miRNA Assay V2 - Human Discovery Panels, customers must purchase the corresponding FirePlex miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 for their specific sample type, as follows: Purified RNA (ab218365), Biofluids (ab218342), or FFPE/Tissues (ab235025)
FirePlex® is a registered trademark in the United States and an unregistered trademark elsewhere.
Please see the discovery panels list here.
Storage instructions
Store at +4°C. Please refer to protocols. -
Components 12 tests 48 tests FirePlex miRNA Assay V2 Discovery Panel Particle Mix 8 x 500µl 8 x 2000µl