Bacterial Gram Staining Kit (ab253409)
Product name
Bacterial Gram Staining Kit -
Product overview
This kit provides all the reagents and protocols for Gram staining of bacteria.
Marker Gene Technologies, Inc. has developed a unique 3-step version of the Gram stain procedure that is cost effective and produces minimal waste. Our system consists of three leak-proof slide tubes which are filled with reusable solutions. The user immerses their slides into the tubes, in which the solutions are retained after use, as opposed to the traditional flooding and washing techniques which can produce large volumes of waste.
This kit is sold by Marker Gene under product code M2742.
Storage instructions
Store at room temperature. Please refer to protocols. -
Components 1 units Crystal Violet 1 x 10ml Decolorizer & Counterstain 1 x 10ml Gram's Iodine 1 x 10ml