Methyl Green Pyronin Stain Kit (RNA DNA Stain) (ab150676)
Product name
Methyl Green Pyronin Stain Kit (RNA DNA Stain) -
Product overview
The Methyl Green Pyronin (RNA DNA Stain) is intended for use in the histological visualization of DNA, RNA and mast cell granules.
Other products for staining tissue sections
Find more kits and reagents in the special stains guide, or products for antigen retrieval, blocking, signal amplification, visualization, counterstaining, and mounting in the IHC kits and reagents guide.
Staining Interpretation
DNA Blue-Green RNA Pink-Red Mast cell granules Pink Some mucins Red Plasma cell cytoplasm Red Control Tissue: Any well-fixed section (3-5 microns).
Storage instructions
Store at room temperature. Please refer to protocols. -
Components 125 ml Methyl Green Pyronin solution 1 x 125ml -
Research areas